Sunday, June 19, 2011

Things I cannot seem adjust to in Switzerland

There are several things that I can't seem to get used to in Switzerland.

1.  In the grocery store, eggs are not refrigerated.  They sit in their cartons on the shelf.

2.  In the grocery store, a lot of the milk is not refrigerated.  It sits in its cartons on the shelf.

3.  Cars stop for pedestrians at all crosswalks, whether there is a light or not.  I always wait to make sure the car will stop before I begin to cross.  I think the drivers get annoyed with me because it takes me forever to get across this way!

4.  The money.  It still seems like play money to me.

5.  The love of rules in Switzerland.  The Swiss love to make and follow rules.  Just yesterday in the grocery store, there was a man who got into the "12 items or less" line and proceeded to count the amount of items that each person in front of him had in their baskets.  He gave them so much grief if they had more than 12.  It was amusing to Gordon and me.  I was happy that we had not chosen to get into that line as we definitely had more than 12 items.

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