Tomorrow, I begin a new job. Tomorrow, I will be a full-time at-home mom. This is a job I never imagined I would have, but here I find myself jumping in with two feet, hoping that I am good at it.
At the clinic at which I work(ed), I had what I thought was the perfect arrangement. I worked 3 mornings each week for 4 hours at a time while my mom watched Claire. I was able to keep my career, but I still spent most of my time at home with my daughter. Claire seemed to enjoy this arrangement also. 3 mornings each week, she was able to be with her grandparents and explore their house, which is full of places to explore and things, and trouble, to get into.
Soon, our world will be very different. In Switzerland, Gordon will to go to work every weekday and it will be just Claire and me together every day. I wonder what those days will include. Trips to the market? Get-togethers with new friends? Walks along the lakeside path of Lake Geneva? Playgroups? Surely our days will include naptimes, mealtimes, and playtimes. Life will be the same in a lot of ways while also being very different. Whatever our days include, I know that life in Switzerland will be what me make it to be. I hope to make it to be wonderful and fulfilling and full of adventure.
So while this day started out to be a sad day, it has ended up to be a day of new beginnings. A day full of promise. A good day indeed.
So while this day started out to be a sad day, it has ended up to be a day of new beginnings. A day full of promise. A good day indeed.
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