Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Making Plans, Changing Plans

Today, Gordon got a call from his employer in Switzerland.  Due to a Swiss national holiday, his start date has been moved from June 1 to June 6.  That means our move date is moved from May 25 to May 30.  Therefore, we get 5 more much-needed days to prepare ourselves for the move.  This come as a huge relief to both Gordon and me.

On Friday, we chose our tenants and on Saturday, they signed a two-year lease.  Choosing the tenants was agonizing for us, but I feel confident that we made the right decision.  I am relieved that we were able to find a nice family and that they will be in the house for 2 years.  I pray that all goes well with them in our house.

This week, the major packing begins.  Tomorrow, I start packing up the kitchen.  Wish me luck with that!



  1. good luck! If you need me to watch your little munchkin, I'm free!

  2. Wow Julie- big adventures ahead! In all your "spare time" you should write about what made you pick or seek out this whole new opportunity. Good luck getting that kitchen packed up! That was the craziest part of our move cross country. So excited for you, and sad for the big changes between now and being settled in at the new place. So fun you will get to see and experience a whole new world!
