Sunday, May 15, 2011


This weekend, my mom, Claire and I came up to Wisconsin to visit Jeff, Stacy, and Daniel.

Claire was great in the car on the way up here. She slept almost the while time. In the hotel, however, she is a maniac! She is into anything and everything. Climbing, opening, closing, emptying everything. This has me thinking about the flight to Switzerland. More accurately, the flight that will go to another country and then to Switzerland. In 15 days. How in the world are we going to contain this baby for 9 hours? On all of the previous flights that she has taken, she has been great. But those were relatively short flights. And they all occurred before she started to walk.

I pray that she sleeps a lot on the plane. And that when she is bot asleep, we are able to keep her entertained!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy! Here are some airplane tips I've heard/used over the years
    -A sticky pad of post-it notes. She'll think it's hilarious to pull one off, stick it to you or the wall, get a giggle out of you, etc. One hour.
    -Snacks to the max. Always good fodder for entertainment.
    -I put toys in small bags, like groups of toys so the big bag wasn't open and available at once
    -Bring a pillow or her carseat? Something comfy to have her lay on.
    -It will be okay for her to walk up/down the aisle but be aware of when you let her know this, like not when you will want her to sit down again for the next 3 hours, because once she knows, she's gonna want to do that for sure!
    -airplane bathrooms are endless entertainment with their water spouts when you get a fussy tot.
    Best of luck!!!!!!!!
