Thursday, August 25, 2011

Expanding my culinary horizons

Yesterday, while Claire and I were spending another tough day at the pool, my friends and I were talking about our cooking habits and how they have changed since moving to Switzerland.  It occurred to me during that conversation that I cook pretty much the same things as I did in the states.  So, today, while at the grocery store, I decided that I was going to expand my culinary horizons.  Sausage is a very popular food here in Switzerland and something that I generally don't choose to buy.  Today was going to be different though.  I chose some little sausages that seemed to be just the right size for Claire and I looked up on the internet how to cook them.  She just ate them for dinner and she loved them!  I have decided that I am going to make a serious effort to cook like a Swiss person, not like an American living in Switzerland.

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